
Showing posts from 2014

Leading Our Kids Toward Jesus: A 30 Day Challenge

"It's just so hard." The theme resounded with our entire mom's group yesterday morning. "It's just so hard." "It's all I can do to get dinner in his tummy, his teeth brushed, and his pajamas on every night. We are all just so tired after a long day. We either seem to run out of time or energy to help him grow spiritually, or we forget altogether. I never thought I'd say that. Before he was born, I would have told you his spiritual growth would be the most important thing on our list every day!" The more she spoke, the more we all realized it still actually was the most important thing to her, it just simply wasn't on her list. She checked off the picture of shoes, the one of the toothbrush and the one of feeding the dog every morning with him before they left for preschool. "Maybe we just need to add a picture of a bible or someone praying to the checklist?" she said. Another mom laughed as she chimed in, "...