The 3 Hour Experiment
A little over year ago, when I was reading the book "Hands Free Mama",
I decided to try a three hour experiment. I turned off my phone for
three hours at a time everyday when I was not at work, to be fully
present with my daughter. I was worried that by doing this, I would
miss out on a lot of needs that came in by text or email or social
media from work, friends or family. But I was wrong!
I started timing how long it took me after with my phone off to catch
up on what had come in. It took an average of 10 minutes or less to
catch up and respond. So all of those days previously where I felt
like I absolutely had to keep my phone on that whole time because
there were so many things I was needed for, that was actually not the
case at all. I don't know if it was my ego that made me feel like I
was more important and more needed than I was, or that I liked being
distracted, or the sense of immediate gratification I got from seeing
something coming in and resp...