The bigger picture...
Sometimes it is so easy for us to sit back and see other parents do things that aren't smart or helpful, and it seems so obvious as an observer even though it's so easy to miss when you are the parent in question and caught in the moment. I am sure people observe that about me all the time, despite my best efforts!
Often I watch my husband try to work through something with our elementary schooler in a way where he has laser focus on one thing and I think to myself, "you are going to win the battle and lose the war." That's probably a poor analogy since really he and she are on the same team, but you get the point - sometimes the bigger picture gets lost as we focus in on one specific thing.
This morning for some reason our daughter woke up so angry, yelling at me, "you are not helpful! Nothing you do is helpful. Don't you realize you aren't helping me?" This could have been triggered by a lot of things- she's facing some pretty signifi...