At our wedding, one of the pastors did a beautiful homily about being each other's balcony people, and cheering each other on. As we grow in marriage, this has ebbed and flowed, and I think we are in a season right now where we are doing it well. As I reflect on my parenting today, I realize that in addition to my spouse, I also have several family members who are balcony people. The affirm, validate, encourage, and motivate me to be better. As I patiently rode out one very long and intense tantrum a few months ago, my younger brother encouraged me later "I couldn't believe you kept your calm. You did a great job" and I was in shock, because I felt like everyone must be thinking I should be doing a better job. I also have wonderful friends who are balcony people. They've cheered me on through infertility, miscarriage, adoption, failed adoptions, moving, new jobs, illness, and so much more. I am confident that the way I handled each of those situations was dram...