Day 6: Modeling

Jesus was the ultimate role model.

He was so much more than that, yes, but I don't think we can miss that part of him.

His actions reflected his values, his words, his truth.

I was talking to a friend last week about the fact that lately, mine don't.

Not in big ways - but in small, subtle ways. In parenting especially.

I'm impatient, I'm controlling, I'm quick to get angry and want my way.

Even though I value things like patience, flexibility, kindness and selflessness.

There's a major disconnect.

On my worst days, I'm a bad example.

I want that to stop.

I don't want to walk around saying, "do as I say, not as I act" to my three year old.

So I've asked my friend to hold me accountable. And I'm going to start thinking before I act. Is this modeling the type of behavior I want imitated? I realize that sounds so simplistic, and so basic. But it's so important. I'm so thankful Jesus modeled for us how to live, and I want to point toward him by the way I am each day - not by the way I'm not!


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